Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Email dated 12/19/07 to Family

hey everyone
I`m in JAPAN. its pretty cool. its huge. but im in a not quite so big of area. in the whole tokyo mission there are 40 million people that we have the oppurtunity to share the gospel with. its pretty crazy. my companion is cool. his name is elder holt. hes from california. today is pday so we went to the tokyo temple and are checking out the big city. it is nuts. i`ll get to call you in about a week and tell you everything. i hear you already have my phone number. i dont know the country code so you might have to call the opperator or something for that one but here is my number. 048-474-3660. so maybe get a phone card. so if you can, call at like 6 p.m. on christmas eve. it will be 10 a.m. christmas day for me haha but yeah thats when my companion says is best. that will be sweet thanks. Japan is awesome i dont think im going to get too skinny. we eat good out here. the food rocks. today im going shopping for christmas presents and stuff so im pretty busy. and i teach english class tonight which is fun. we sometimes get investigators through it. we mostly work super tight with the ward. and we do a thing called college dendo (dendo`ing is doing the missionary thing) but yeah daigakko dendoing is fun. we hang out with college kids and just get to be there friend and get in that way. we try to get into the school clubs and stuff. that has been my favorite. we talked to a breakdancer and kinda are in that club haha and we`re looking to get into the baseball stuff and hang out with them. the field is so much better than the mtc. im loving it. and my japanese is picking up. i actually had a conversation with a guy once. it was fun. anyways im excited to here from you and stuff. i best be gettin back to work. talk to you next week. sayonnara.
elder hyde

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