Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Email dated 1/10/08

Heyi`ll just start answering all your questions haha. it doesnt snow herein the area im at anyway. well it hasnt yet anyway. its been prettycold here though but right when i get my coat its starting to warm up.sorry about that. give max a pet for me i feel bad for him. um its prettyhere if you like buildings. haha its pretty ugly. and you cant see toofar off cause of the pollution. its all grey and ugly but oh well maybei`ll get transferred to kofu which is south and by mount fuji and allthem mountains. but yeah i kinda want to stay where im at for a littlebit longer too. im starting to make some friends in the ward and stuff.but oh well i`ll go where the lord wants me to go. i find out nextweek what will happen. my comp has been have some mood problems lately.he`s getting all quiet on me and isnt really wanting to talk to people.its making me talk to people more. i dont know what to do to help himout but i`ll keep workin on it. the other day we had to drop aninvestigator. it was kinda sad but kinda a relief. he is part of that unifiedchurch or something like that. they are crazy. they say all religions aretrue and of god we just need to unify all of them or something. hepretty much wanted to convert us. he would tell us we need to fast for 40days and see jesus. he saw jesus and god in dreams and stuff. oh and hesaid that satan has more power than god and jesus. just goes to showhow satan works on people. satan just makes himself to be powerful andtries to put down jesus only to another man. the guy was crazy. istraight up told him how it is and he would say no way and tell me to thinklogically and tell me all his stuff. it was hard not to laugh at himsometimes cause it was kinda crazy. its just hard for some people toaccept the fact that christ himself atoned for us. he would say that christfailed and gods plan failed and stuff. i`ll tell you what it sure didntfail and in fact it was perfectly executed. oh well just another crazynot accepting christ. ive learned to brush off those that wont acceptthe message. the lord will teach them personally. its says in thescrips about those who dont listen to brush the dust of your shoes. i thoghtthat was funny. anyway i got to get back to work. see you love youall.

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